Monday, April 11, 2011

Assignment 7

1. Describe the difference between a thrust stage and proscenium stage. A thrust stage is also called a platform stage and an open stage. The stage goes into the audience and is connected to the backstage area by an up stage end. With the stage going into the audience the audience feels more evolved with the performers and the actors get to interact more with the audience. Many of Shakespeare’s plays were performed on a thrust stage at the globe theater. In a proscenium is a stage in which there is a frame or arch around the stage. In this theater the audience faces the stage that is usually raised a few feet off of the ground. These stages first began in Rome. The in a way is a window for the audience who is not as involved with the performance as with a thrust stage. 2. What is the fly gallery? A fly gallery is a narrow elevated platform at the side of the stage in a theater form which a stagehand work the ropes controlling equipment in the flies. This allows the crew to quickly and quietly fly lights scenery, and effects across the stage. The fly gallery is generally hid from the audience. 3. How does a scrim work? Scrims modify the properties of light. There are different types such as using natural light. Or a man made light source. No matter with use. The scrim reduced the intensity and harshness of the light.

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