Monday, April 11, 2011

Assignment 8

1. Describe the difference between opera, light opera, and musical theater Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians sing a dramatic work combining signing and musical scores. There is acting, scenery, costumes and sometimes dance. Many operas are performed in an opera house. The dist opera took place in Italy and then quickly spread through Europe. A light opera is still an opera, but rather than being of a serious nature, the story line is light heated or comic with a happy ending. These operas too began in Italy, but during the 17th century. Victor Herbert is a famous North American light opera composer who wrote Babes in Toy Land. Some other famous light operas are Candide and Sweeny Todd. Musical theater combines dance, music, songs and dialogue as well as a story line. There is an overlap between opera and musical theater, but the distinguishing fact is that there is much importance to dialogue in musical theater while music is the importance in an opera. 2. How long does it take for someone to have a fully trained operatic voice? It takes years of training and hard work in order to become an opera singer. Opera singers must be able to sing in multiple languages, how to fence, how to dance, and how to make their voices hit high notes and hold them. An opera singer must have a good teacher and years and years of practicing. Opera singing is definitely not just a thing to pick up. There is extensive training for many many years. Many opera singers go to music school and continue to develop their voices and train throughout their whole career. 3. Choose an Opera by Puccini? Describe and interpret. La bohème (1896) is often called one of the best works by Puccini as well as one of the most romantic. La bohème is still very popular even today. The play is based on the book Scènes de la vie de bohème by Henri Murger. The play is a story about young bohemians living in the Latin Quarter of Paris during the 1840’s. The play focuses on the relationship between Rodolfo and Mimi. Rudolfo is a poet and Mimi is a seamstress. The two meet, and fall in love. The two of them however soon fall out of love. The two are reunited once Rudolfo is told that Mimi is dying. Rudolfo, realizing that he has always loved Mimi is distraught. Interwoven in the Rudolfo- Mimi love story are brief stories of Rudolfo’s friends who try to being Mimi and Rudolfo back together. Rent is a rock opera that is a very popular rock opera based on this opera.

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