Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Big Apple - Art Event

1.Even though the shag is danced to music that is 4/4 time, how does the dancer count when they are dancing the shag? The shag is a six count dance done with a partner. The male is usually the leader while his female partner follows. The dance is done to 6 counts and is counted like so: “1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6”. The male will sometimes spin his partner and will guide her in the dance. 2. Discuss the Big Apple building. Discuss its features architechtural feature of Columbia, and a brief history. What was the first name of the building The Big Apple is a historic building in Columbia, South Carolina. The Big Apple gets its name from the old religious dance that was founded by African Americans who were enslaved on plantations in the south. The Big Apple was a group dance, in which the dancers formed a huge circle and did arm movements that resembled the Big Apple. In the 1930s a group of African Americans started a Big Apple Night Club in the House of Peace Synagogue. The Big Apple can now be found on Park Street in Columbia, South Carolina. The Big Apple allowed both black people and white people to dance as well as student from USC.The building resembles Greek architectures and has the original dome ceiling of the synagogue. There are two doric columns on the front of the building, and inside as well. 3. Discuss the Shag. What is the history of the shag and what is its relevance to South Carolina The shag is the state dance of both North and South Carolina. Shagging began in the 1930’s in Myrtle Beach and became known as the swing dance of the south. The dance first began with club dancers dancing to black music. The danced quickly picked u a lot of southern followers, and by the 1940’s teenagers in the Carolinas were dancing the shag. As time passed, the dance loss its fast pace nature and was danced to songs with a more low beat rhythm. Some of the most famous shag dancers are Billy Jeffers and Maggie Lunn Foss.

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