Thursday, March 17, 2011


1. Describe the baroque period of dance.
Baroque dance is from the Baroque era in Europe. This is time period ranged from 1600 to 1750. Baroque was danced to Baroque music, theatre and opera. These dances are historical dance of the upper class. Dances were symmetrical and done with a partner. This dance would also take up the whole dance floor, not just a corner of the room. The Roman Catholic Church supported this dance because the dance showed religious themes. Many people have tried to replicate the dance, but it is very difficult to accomplish

2. Discuss why people dance?
People dance in order to feel good about themselves but to also express themselves. Some people dance as a job while others dance as a hobby or just because they like it. Some people dance at parties to celebrate a special occasion. Dance can also have a unifying feel, so some people dance in order to feel connected to another person or a group of people. some people dance in order to keep their culture alive and to share their heritage with others. Some people dance in order to lose weight, tone up, or get a good workout. Young kids have school dances in order to meet new kids their age and get out of their comfort zone. Some people have specific reasons to dance, while others just like the way it feels.

3. Describe on non western dance art form.
Belly dance is a Middle Eastern/ Egyptian dance of the 19th century, and the 20th century. Belly dance uses different regions, costumes and dance styles, and combines the aspects into one dance. Belly dancing uses different parts of the body whether its hips, shoulders, the belly or chest. Belly dance however, focuses mainly on the core muscles. Some important moves such as the shiver, shimmy, Hip hits, and Undulations

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