Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Assignment #3

I pour the thick clear shampoo into my small cupped palm. The gel is cool, but I hardly notice due to the steamy heat of my shower. The fog hits the bottom of the shower and then bounces back up off the slippery aqua tile. I bend my elbow and place the goopy gel to the center my head. I begin to make tiny circles on my scalp s the gel changes into bubbly foam. As I continue to scrub my head the foam becomes larger and larger. The foam begins to slide down my forehead and into my eyes. The stinging burn I feel is quickly cooled by the water flowing from my shower head. Once the burn has ceased, I turn so the steamy water hits my back. I slowly tilt my head until the water rushes down my hair and relinquish the foam from head. The white foam is finally rinsed from my scalp, and my long shiny dark hair is clean.

2. Post your picture that you drew in class when we listened to "Nessum Dorma" and drew what Pavarotti might have been singing about. What were some of the feelings that you thought while he was singing.
I thought that there were three distinct tones of the singer. The man started off calm and collected. The music was mellow and easy going. I tried to describe this in my picture by the soft wavy lines. As the man continued singing he seemed to get a little more desperate and longing. He was getting a little angrier but had not yet reached his peak of anger/ desire. I depicted this phase of the music with medium sized peaks to display the heightened emotion. The final phase of the song is very dramatic and emotion filled. I tried to depict this phase of the song with steep peaks.

3. Describe the establishing shot in a movie. What is its purpose? What does it tell us as the viewers of a film? How important is the establishing shot in a movie?
The establishing shot in a movie sets up the context for a scene by showing things like who, what, when, where, why, and how. The shots will show prominent landmarks from where ever the setting is. The establishing shot could also just show some of the major characters from the movie. Basically, the establishing shot clues the viewer into what is happening and going on. Without an establishing shot, the viewer may not catch on to what is going on until it is too late.
The establishing shot of the little mermaid begins with birds flying in the sky, and the clouds behind them are dark, letting the viewer know a storm is brewing. The shot continues down to show the top of the ocean, and dolphins are swimming in the water, letting the viewer know that this movie takes place under the sea. The dolphins are then interrupted by a boat that is carrying Prince Eric, an important character in the movie.

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