Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Assignment #2

Fluency is being able to generate ideas. For an artist this is important because first of all, you have to be able to have an idea to go from in order to produce something. Another reason that fluency is important is if you have the same idea over and over again, your work will become predictable and boring, so being able to come up with new ideas is important. Flexibility is to be bendable: being able to move from one idea to another. It is vital for an artist to be flexible. An artist could possibly have multiple pieces of work going on at the same time, and must be able to switch from one piece to the other. Also a painter must be flexible because there could be limitations on what they had envisioned and what needs to be done in reality. Also the artist, while working on their current work, must be able to focus on one aspect of the work, but then be able to switch and think about another component. Originality, or being the first or new, is important because nobody wants to see something they have seen before. The point of art is to grow and push for new ideas or new thoughts. Doing something that someone has already done and has been seen before really has no purpose. Elaboration is having intricate, rich detail. Elaboration is also an important element to have. If a piece of art is not finished, and the fine detail has not been attended to, the work is just lacking. However, when every detail has been placed the art comes together.
Feldman’s method of art criticism begins with description. To describe something you must explain what was seen, felt, heard. Included in this could be the artist, the venue that work was at, and anything that could help a non viewer understand what it is was that you saw. The next element of the critique is to analyze. To analyze, you use the elements and principles of the work to further describe the work of art. In order to do this, you must dissect the work and try to understand why it was put in the work. The next step is to interpret. An interpretation explains what the work means, how the work works as a metaphor, what feelings does the work give you, and any overall meanings the work has. The step is to judge/ evaluate whether or not you like the work, why or why not.

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